You can use this form to contact the Helsinki unit on matters relating to examinations.

The Helsinki unit coordinates examinations for teaching organised in Helsinki, invigilated examinations for web-based studies, examinations organised jointly with the departments of the University of Helsinki (e.g., the Leadership and Management Studies JOS module), and examinations in blended learning.

Please note: The examination service strives to answer all messages as quickly as possible, but due to large message volumes, you may experience a delay of more than three business days before receiving an answer to your enquiry. Urgent matters are best handled by phone.
More information and advice , Examination rooms

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Problems with registering for an examination Please register for the examination with the same username you used to register for your studies. You can request a new password at
Registration for examinations Registrations are not accepted via email without special permission given by phone.
Cancelling an examination You can cancel your examination registration on My pages up to three days before the examination. Cancelling your registration for an examination does not exempt you from the cancellation fee as specified in the terms of registration and payment for individually charged examinations.
Special examination arrangements Special examination arrangements (e.g., a separate facility or a computer) require a doctor's certificate or similar report. It must be submitted to the Open University's examination service in good time before the examination date. Further information
Distance examination Taking an Open University examination in a location other than the one specified in the study programme.
Transfer examination Taking an examination for another institution at an examination organised by the Open University.
Web-based examination

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